The Sustainable Investment Platform is delighted to welcome participants to a webinar designed to discuss net zero goals for asset owners, asset managers and institutional investors.
The sustainability conversation for institutional investors, asset owners and asset managers has moved beyond the need for sweeping policies and screening measures. Their far-reaching impact can now be well measured, planned and executed in contributing significantly towards reduced emissions in a low carbon economy. Join us to understand the developments in the region, the management of your climate trajectory and actionable steps to move forward.
Led by subject matter experts Trista Chen, Margie Ong and Kee Vern Lai from ERM, key discussion areas will include:
– NetZero Goals: What are the Latest Regional Developments Among Asset Owners and Asset Managers?
– Beyond Policy Setting: How Do Asset Owners Manage Their Carbon Footprint?
– Understanding Emissions: What are the Key Frameworks and How Do We Measure?
Slides Presented during the webinar are available here.