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PACTA: Use cases on utilising alignment results

The signing of the Paris Agreement has led to a growing number of climate-related risk analyses, methodologies and tools. One of these is the PACTA (Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment) portfolio alignment methodology which measures the short-term (mis)alignment of investment portfolios with <2°C scenarios, and the related potential exposure of financial institutions in case of a disruptive transition.

This webinar will deep dive into the use cases of PACTA for investors seeking to use alignment results to design investment strategies and inform investor engagements. A key highlight of the webinar is a case study on how one of the largest pension funds in Latin America has utilised PACTA  to assess the overall alignment of their portfolios with various climate scenarios and with the Paris Agreement

The Sustainable Investment Platform, a joint collaboration between Capital Markets Malaysia and the Institutional Investors Council Malaysia, is pleased to support Rocky Mountain Institute and WWF Malaysia in the delivery of this series.

Slides Presented during the webinar are available here