Does the entity have a history of accessing sustainable finance (green, social, sustainable, sustainability-linked bonds, loans, etc.)?
If an entity has a history of working towards sustainability and decarbonisation goals, investors are likely to anticipate that the entity’s ambitions and technical expertise will build over time and lead to more ambitious and effective strategies.
Does this plan detail how financing will be used based on business area?
Entities with diverse business areas are encouraged to allocate CaPex separately for each segment, demonstrating their emissions reduction plans by business area.
Does this plan compare funding for ‘transition-away’ vs. ‘transition-to’ business activities (Green vs. Brown; Taxonomy-aligned vs. non-aligned)?
There are not many entities performing this comparison or benchmarking exercise, but it would be considered good practice as it reinforces the entity’s commitment to become climate aligned.
Does this plan include the use of fossil fuels, or lock-in of fossil fuel infrastructure?
The preferred approach is a “no expansion” policy which suggests that no additional commitment of CapEx will be approved for the acquisition or leasing of new fossil fuel assets. These assets might be fixed (e.g., property, plant, equipment) or intangible (e.g., goodwill, capitalized licences).
Capital expenditures (CapEx) that have already been approved with a pre-dated Board sign-off are exempt from the exclusion rule pertaining to relevant fossil fuel assets. CaPex for maintenance of existing fossil fuel assets is permitted, so long as it does not extend the life of those assets.